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Wednesday, July 6

First involvement in the University.

Hello bimbo. Almost four weeks on the land below the wind. Nothing to do with a fancy opening entry, though, I've my university life right now. It's just a very simple posts from me. Last weekend, Saturdays ago, I entered the MOHE-UMS International Taekwondo Fiesta 2011. Indeed, a strong competition between Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia and several other countries. And of course, not easy when met with a team from Thailand, Vietname and Indonesia especially. The most powerful fighters. No wonder, because they've been trained for this tournament for months, if I compare with me, only three days for this game.

Here, bunch pictures of the bite by a few people using low quality camera.

As I mentioned above: MOHE-UMS International Taekwando Fiesta 2011.

Inside the UMS chancellor's hall. 

I'm envy much the UMS chancellor hall. Why can't we have something like this in our campus ?

My new team since in here, though, still missing my Dinamic Team

Enough to be thankful with what I ascribe to have. Won the bronze medal for fin categories (senior)

My first international medal ever.


  1. Congrats babe! :D

  2. heii sis .
    im ayeen from lahad datu team .
    sy juga ikut tournament tuu .
    nice to meet you :)
    kita bersebelahan team seja tyme d dewan tuu.
